This compact machine offers you the possibility to set stones on plate, in tubes and single and double channels with diamonds and synthetic stones.
It is impossible to mention all the advantages of this unit.
Some of the most important advantages are :
easy to operate, no special graduated people are required
can be used for piece work as well for serial work
fast to operate and with a continuous level of quality
economical price considering the speed of setting
Channel setting is a method whereby stones are suspended between two bars or strips of metal, called channels. Often when setting small stones and the bars go in a line with the design it is called channel setting, and when the bars cross the lines of the design, it is called bar set. The idea is the same, though. The channel is some variation of a "U" shape, with two sides and a bottom. The sides are made just a bit narrower than the width of the stone or stones to be set, and then, using the same burs as in prong setting, a small notch, which is again called a bearing, is cut into each wall. The stone is put in place in those notches, and the metal on top is pushed down, tightening the stone in place.
The earliest known technique of attaching stones to jewelry was bezel setting. A bezel is a strip of metal bent into the shape and size of the stone and then soldered to the piece of jewelry. Then the stone is inserted into the bezel and the metal rubbed over the stone, holding it in place. This method works well for either the cabochon or faceted stones.
Using our special rolling wheels , this is possible as well with our SZ19 machine.
The pavé setting, pronounced “pa-vay,” comes from the French word “to pave,” as in paved with diamonds. By closely setting small diamonds together with minimal visibility of the tiny metal beads or prongs holding the stones in place, the effect is one of continuous sparkle..
Our vision is to provide our customers the most innovative machinery with manufacturing techniques and processes with cutting edge technologies proven from around the world with our local knowledge for the Great China Market and Southeast Asia.
Hong Kong, China-based Kingsway Jewelry Supplies Co Ltd serves as a distributor of alloys and equipment for a number of major brands in Asia. Gilbert Kwok, managing director of the company, shares with JNA the qualities that make Kingsway an ideal partner for jewellery-manufacturing equipment and materials in the region.
We have been a major supplier of casting and melting machines in Asia for more than three decades.
We keep a close eye on the latest industry developments, from electronics to modern engineering technology. By doing so, we are able to identify the technologies, which we believe would better serve the needs of the jewellery industry.
Kingsway mission statement is to accelerate the technology advancement, efficiency and scalability of the jewelry industry in Asia by offering best softare/hardare and international experience.
We excel not only in China but also have experience throughout Asia.
Kingsway is only a engineering company wants to link its decades of trade experience, knowledge network and local Asian knowledge to serve our customers with better, more efficient and new processes of tomorrow.
We never counterfeit or copy our supplier products or customer designs to make quick money.
In the jewelry world, Kingsway is the firm that you can trust.